Service Description
Acupuncture heals by balancing energy within the body. Once the needles are in, most of our patients feel a sense of deep relaxation & even sleepiness. Others may feel energized after their treatment. After the treatment, it is advised that patients should relax and take it easy throughout the day. In addition, to drink plenty of fluids while their bodies are going through the healing phase. Acupuncture can effectively treat conditions such as chronic or acute pain, sports and work related injuries, tendinitis, carpal tunnel, arthritis, headaches, stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, insomnia, PMS, digestive problems, thyroid disorders, and more (World Health Organization). Treatment includes: Acupuncture and Infrared Heat Therapy. _______________________ Cash rate (At time of service): $85 Insurance rates: Varies on Insurance plans and Acupuncture riders. We accept various PPO and HMO insurance. We accept HSA and FSA cards. *Please note that most insurance company, ie. American Specialty Health (Kaiser, Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield, Aetna, etc.) only cover up to 15 minutes of treatment time. However, we generally provide up to 30 minutes per treatment. Any additional time granted is at the discretion and courtesy of the Practitioner. Please contact us for more details.
Cancellation Policy
For cancellations, please contact us at least 24 hours in advance to avoid a cancellation fee. Thank you!
Contact Details
9098 Laguna Main Street suite 7a, Elk Grove, CA, USA